Keeping your clothes fresh while tucked away in storage containers can be as tricky as finding a needle in a haystack. Whether you're stashing away seasonal outfits or packing up for a move, the last thing you want is to retrieve musty, stale-smelling clothes. This guide will walk you through the steps to ensure your garments remain fresh and ready to wear, no matter how long they stay in storage.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Choose the Right Container: Opt for clear plastic bins or other suitable plastic storage containers.
  2. Prep Your Clothes: Clean and thoroughly dry all items before storage.
  3. Maintain Freshness: Use natural remedies like silica gel or cedar balls to keep moisture and odors at bay.

Selecting the Ideal Storage Container

When it comes to storing clothes, not all containers are created equal. Clear plastic bins are a popular choice because they are impermeable to pests and dust. Ensure the containers are clean and dry before you start packing. This prevents any mold or mildew from forming and keeps your clothes in pristine condition.

Preparing Clothes for Storage

The golden rule before storing any clothing item is to make sure it is impeccably clean and completely dry. Residual oils, perfumes, or stains can attract pests or lead to unwanted odors and stains over time. A thorough wash and adequate drying are paramount to preserving your clothes’ freshness.

Effective Use of Desiccants

Moisture is the enemy of stored clothes. Including desiccants in your storage containers can significantly help in absorbing any latent moisture. Silica gel packets are particularly effective and can be placed in corners of the bins. These little saviors work tirelessly to ensure a dry environment, warding off mildew and mold.

The Power of Cedar

Cedar wood is not just for fancy closets; its natural oils repel pests and absorb moisture, making it an excellent addition to your storage strategy. Toss a few cedar balls or blocks into your storage containers to keep your clothes smelling fresh. As a bonus, they impart a pleasant, forest-fresh scent to your garments.

Airtight Sealing is Key

Ensuring that your storage containers are airtight is crucial in maintaining the quality of your clothes. This prevents air, moisture, storage space, natural fibers and pests from sneaking in. If your container isn’t equipped with a sealable lid, consider using a strong adhesive tape to secure the edges.

Avoid Plastic Bags storing clothes

While it might be tempting to use plastic bags for storage, they can actually trap moisture and cause your clothes to smell. Instead, stick to breathable materials if you need an extra layer of protection. Cotton garment bags or old pillowcases are great alternatives.

Strategic Placement of Containers cardboard boxes

Where you place your storage containers can also impact the freshness of your clothes. Avoid damp basements or musty attics. A cool, dry, clothing storage containers and dark place like an under-bed space or a closet shelf is ideal. This shields the clothes from temperature fluctuations and direct sunlight, which can degrade fabric quality over time.

Regular Checks

It’s wise to check on your stored clothes periodically. This not only allows you to ensure everything is staying dry and pest-free but also gives you a chance to refresh desiccants or cedar pieces as needed. A quick inspection every few months can save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Using Essential Oils

For those who prefer a specific scent, airtight plastic storage bins, store clothing vacuum packing adding a few drops of essential oils like lavender or rosemary to cotton balls and placing them in the bins can be delightful. These oils not only keep your clothes smelling great but also offer mild antibacterial properties.

The Role of Tissue Paper best way to store clothes in storage unit storage container

Wrapping delicate items like dresses or fine shirts in acid-free tissue paper can help prevent creasing and protect against potential damage from zippers or buttons. It also adds an extra layer of protection against any potential moisture.

Maximizing Space

Efficiently packing your clothes can save space and prevent excessive wrinkling. Rolling garments instead of folding them can be a space-efficient and wrinkle-reducing method.

Ensure not to overpack the containers, clothing items, as this can lead to air circulation issues.

Handling Leather and Fur

Special care should be taken with leather and fur as these materials require air circulation to prevent drying out and cracking. Using a breathable cotton cover and avoiding plastic is crucial for preserving these delicate items.


Storing clothes in storage containers doesn't have to lead to unpleasant surprises. By choosing the right containers, preparing your clothes correctly, wardrobe boxes clothes in a storage, and using natural products like cedar and silica gel, climate controlled storage, save space, seasonal clothing wardrobe box, climate-controlled storage unit, you can keep your garments fresh and ready for their next wear. Regular checks and strategic placement of your containers will further ensure the longevity and freshness of your stored apparel.


Q: Can I use any type of plastic storage container for clothes?

A: It’s best to use clear plastic bins specifically designed for storage, as they provide durability and protection against pests and moisture.

Q: How often should I check on my stored clothes?

A: Checking every 2-3 months is generally sufficient, but you might adjust this based on the storage conditions and materials stored.

Q: Are there any natural alternatives to chemical desiccants?

A: Yes, natural alternatives like rice or baking soda can also help absorb moisture in storage containers.

The Best Way to Store Clothes in a Storage Unit
Learn how to store clothes in a storage unit with this easy guide.

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