thomas mathew

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thomas mathew

Get Rid of Pet Hair with These Proven Habits!

Whether you have a cat, dog, rabbit, or other furred pet, chances are you’ve had to deal with the dreaded pet hair. Pet hair can be a nuisance and difficult to get rid of. It can stick to furniture and clothes, making it hard to keep your home clean...

thomas mathew

How to Vacuum Pet Hair the Best Way

If you’re a pet owner, then you know how frustrating it can be to find pet hair all over your furniture, carpets, and clothing. Not only is it unsightly, but it’s also difficult to get rid of. Vacuuming is the best way to clean up pet hair quickly...

thomas mathew

How Often Should You Vacuum Pet Hair?

If you’re a pet parent, you know how much furry friends bring to our lives. But what you may not realize is that pet hair can also lead to a lot of mess and cleaning. The truth is, pet hair isn’t just unsightly—it can also be unhealthy....

thomas mathew

The Benefits of Vacuuming Pet Hair

If you have pets, then you know that they come with a lot of extra work. One of the most tedious tasks is dealing with all the pet hair—no matter how often you brush your furry friends, it seems like there's always more fur to be found....

thomas mathew

Tips for Shampooing a Goldendoodle Who Doesn't Like Shampoo

For many Goldendoodle owners, bathtime can be a nightmare. No matter how much you cajole your pup, they just don't want to get in the bath. Don’t worry - we’ve got some tips on how to make bathtime better for both you and your pup! Start...

thomas mathew

How to Make Your Goldendoodle Happy While Shampooing

Grooming your Goldendoodle is essential for keeping their fur healthy and tangle-free. But, let’s be honest—shampooing can often be a stressful experience. Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make the process more enjoyable for you and your pup! Prepare the Area  The first...

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